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Rosary Repair

broke1Have A Broken Rosary With Sentimental Value?

Maybe We Can Help!

Most Catholic families have a rosary box or bowl, where they often get filled with half-rosaries and ones with missing beads or broken chains.  Let's face it, there's something that feels profane about simply throwing a rosary in the garbage... especially one that's been blessed, or (even worse) one that has sentimental value.  Maybe it was used by a grandparent, or obtained on a pilgrimage.  It's just something that you can't bring yourself to trash.

But it's broken--and is of very little use.

Perhaps we can solve the problem.  Not only could we make the rosary whole again, but we'll give it the strength and practicality that all of our rosaries have.

Take the one pictured below.  Not only is it broken (because chain rosaries often fall apart when just a little bit of tension is applied) but it has 3 missing Hail Mary beads?  Without those beads, how can it be fixed.  And once it is fixed, using it daily would just pull it apart again, unless you're very, very careful with it.


Our solution is simple.

We change the layout a little bit, add some suitable Our Father beads which are larger (the Our Fathers originally were the same size as the Hail Marys) and put it on a durable, useable, steel braided cable.  Using the same crucifix and middle, we have practically the same rosary--except now it can be kept in the pocket without worrying about it getting tangled or broken.

broken2 broken3

In this specific case, the owner's mother had been fond of it, because it had been blessed by St. JPII, and had actually been purchased in Fatima.  

If you have a similar problem, get in touch with us with some pics, and we'll see what we can accomplish.